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Neck and Back problems?

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Bargoed Chiropractic

Bargoed Chiropractic


Chiropractors are well known for providing effective treatment for back and neck pain. It is thought that 80% of the population at some point during their lives will experience back pain of some severity. 50% of people who experience back pain for a duration of 60 days, will still suffer from back pain in 5 years time. 100 million days are lost every day in sickness in the UK due to back and neck problems, costing the British economy billions of pounds a year in lost revenue. 50% of all people off on sick leave for 6 months or more due to lower back pain, never return to work. It is a huge burden on society.


Luckily for the British tax payer, Chiropractic treatment coupled with prescribed exercise has been recognised as the most effective form of treatment for lower back and neck pain, and shown to be more effective, and more cost-effective than pain killers, rest, and exercise alone. Chiropractors pride themselves on early intervention, and help to get people back to work and back on form.